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Ghost of a Chance Page 2

  Everyone regularly took selfies and photos with me, Madison and her. The place was crying.

  Kelly had half an hour to process the incoming guests, so we moved around. The students kept coming back and there would be 9:30 am. 1,000 people there. It was big and noisy.

  I was so happy with what I was wearing. Some girls wore virtually nothing in the ridiculous dresses that featured everything, and others wore elegant dresses. I felt good. I never noticed how every woman always praised herself. Aunt Maurine did.

  Madison is watching me and making sure I am introduced to everyone. It was good to be with her and I think she knew it.

  At around 10pm, I saw that Maura and this guy in the corner of the hall were not nice. There was a lot of talk and it is not enough to laugh or smile in your direction.

  I thought I was the boyfriend and did my best not to look. I felt really bad for her and not too bad for me. Emotions are difficult.

  The music is growing now and everyone is practically screaming to hear themselves. We did errands like country dance, chain congas, we sang some Christmas songs like Rudolph and Jingle Bells and we ate really well. It was really festive.

  Amy and Vera came up to me all night and introduced me to different types. Many of them were idiots trying to act older and cooler than they were, but some were really nice. Somehow, it wasn't the kind of behavior I heard from idiots: "Hey, maybe we can meet tonight".

  Somehow I lost sight of Kelly again. And Madison, still looking at me, started going out with other friends. It was a very fluid night. It seemed like I was talking to or yelling at all kinds of new friends.

  Eric found me around 11pm. He was like a fresh breath now. The music finally stopped for a few minutes and we talked again about the school, the end and the economy. When the music started again, the lights were dim and it was a sluggish song.

  "Cassie, do you want to dance with me?" he asks politely.

  "I'm not the best, but would like to."

  Dancing as a woman in high heels was difficult, but after a while I managed. With many people dancing, it was easy to get lost in the crowd and I was less confident.

  When Eric and I dance, it feels so good to be staged. I put my head on his shoulder and tried to get away from the music. The closer I got to him, the more I felt that he was getting a little excited.

  At the end of the song he retreated just a little and was a little embarrassed by his growing erection. He said to me, 'I'm sorry. I respond like a kid when he does his first dance in high school. "

  And I looked at him and said softly, 'Don't be like that. I'm flattered. "

  I thought it would be a safe step to take his hand and drink at the source of non-alcoholic fruit. Or I fell to my knees and gave him a world-class blowjob in the middle of the dance floor. I chose the font.

  The famous source of non-alcoholic juice should be a requirement for any college event, but it did give us a chance to refresh ourselves a bit. We stayed outside the gym for a while and kept talking as we watched the stars. It seems too romantic, but that's really what we did.

  We came back a little, danced a little faster, but the music grew so we couldn't hear each other, and he called me:

  "Do you want to walk? It can be a little calmer. "

  I shook my head, and we headed to the gym. It was a little nicer than I thought and I don't have my jacket.

  Eric felt like I was cold and offered me his jacket that I liked. To compensate, I tried to get to him a little while walking slowly. He really put his arm around me and it embraced me even more.

  'My dorm is here and it's one of the latest on campus. Do you want to see it? '

  Not only did the heat in the dorm feel good, but it was also meant to stay with him longer. The foyer was almost like a hotel with a small security switch. The guest met him with "Good evening Eric". Impressive.

  He showed me his function room, the games room, the TV room, the work areas and the laundry. It was actually better than most hotels.

  "Would it be too urgent to show my room?"

  "I really wanted to see it." I replied, trying not to look too anxious, but definitely interested.

  Upstairs in his unit there was a common lounge, kitchen, bathroom and 4 bedrooms. It was better than most apartments.

  He shows me his room with an impressive Taylor Swift poster on the wall. "Wow, how many girls can compete against it."

  He took my hands, looked at me and said softly, "You can."

  Oh shit, now I'm hard. I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. Maybe you would have worn my jacket if I'm usually sexier, but I like your hug.

  Playfully, I take him back to his room and close the door with my foot behind me. He gently kisses me back and says, "Cassie, you're not like the other girls." It was probably the understatement of the night on many levels, but I accepted it as a compliment.

  So I thought I heard Aunt Maurine's voice, but how could I not like it? Handsome, polite and economical, and he really liked me.

  I slowly unzip his shirt and drop the jacket I am wearing on the floor. He took me to bed with his hands and we started kissing, much deeper than before.

  I got to know him a lot and I really felt like it was going really well. He strokes my breasts through the dress, though I know he knows I don't have one. It was a nice touch and I felt so popular. His hands lower and begin to gently rub my thigh under my skirt.

  Oh crap again. I really fell in love with this guy.

  It was so easy and so natural to roll up and open my pants. I push and begin to kiss his dick lightly. It was so nice to see an ordinary partner. My biggest fear was meeting a monster for the first time. I played with it, kissed and took it deeper and deeper into my mouth.

  It was so good. The fireworks I never saw at Mr. Warren hadn't, started with him everywhere. And he was good. Eric was never excited very early, so I felt that maybe I enjoyed playing with him longer than Mr. Warren.

  It was a lot of fun now. After squatting, kissing, rubbing, licking and sucking for about 15 minutes from his neck, I got excited and apologized for going to the bathroom.

  I look at myself in the mirror and say to myself, "Cassie, if you want to do it, girl, now is the time."

  I take out my Spanx, remove fat from my suitcase and start massaging it in the bathroom. Lisa did this to me and in connection with the expectation of having it in me, I felt ready within minutes.

  When I returned to the room, he lay naked on the bed. While my dress was still on, I crawled over it and planted that incredible kiss on it, then crawled and put all his cock back in my mouth. When I kiss you from all sides, I say, "Eric, I want you so much in me."

  I took some of my lotion and started massaging his dick with it. He instinctively rolls his knees behind me.

  His warm hands lifted my skirt and slowly put on my red panties. I could feel it slowly and just a little inside me.

  I couldn't believe how hot his cock head was against me, as opposed to a belt on the vibrator. Only the little exam he did was so good, but I wasn't ready.

  Eric could feel that I was tense and whispered, "I can tell a little slower, Cassie, let me know when I'm ready."

  I shook my head in this cat-like yoga posture and tried to relax even more. I liked it so much that he was right behind me, holding my hips soft, stroking my back with his hands and pressing on my breasts and pushing the skirt.

  So I felt a little more relaxed. With the pressure of his cock against me, I lower myself into my arms and feel his cock slide into me.

  "Ohhh Eric," I call, shaking a little. "Please stay here for a moment."

  I could feel my inside filling with it. It was a warm fullness I had never experienced before.

  He was a man and just rested on me. As my pain subsided, I slowly began to wait for his tail. I knew it was stiff and hoped that he felt as good as I do now.

  Over time, I felt this deeper in my mind as I became more relaxed. At the moment, nothing else in the world Maxered.

l my senses were fulfilled and I naturally shook back and forth, absorbing him more and more with each of his soft lungs.

  I don't know if it was five or fifteen minutes in me, it didn't Maxer. I loved every minute of it and didn't want it to stop.

  We entered this wonderful rhythm and I could see his grip on my hips with every pressure.

  "Cassie," he whispers, "I'm really, really ready."

  "Me too," I say in a cautious but sexy voice.

  I could feel him driving harder and I started to pull back as hard as I could. When it exploded on me, it was so hot. I could feel every beat of his tail and he kept going until he was done.

  I just closed my eyes and liked that he was inside me. I could feel every movement and shaking of his tail.

  Eric stayed with me for a while, although he was soft now. Just as graciously as he entered me, he left me. I just stayed in the same position on his bed until he helped me sit up. I was visibly shaken and the room turned. I hold him tight.

  I really thought I had everything under control in Warrens. I put my head on his lap and he just held me and held me and stroked my back.

  Eventually, my senses came back very easily. I had to look like a disaster physically and emotionally. I sat down slowly, a little dumbfounded, maybe a little dumbfounded.

  He reassuredly said, "You, girl, are not only beautiful, you are also beautiful."

  He kisses my arms and neck a few times and then my lips. I went crazy. So, I didn't think it would be so.

  Then he said, "Cassie, I'm going to clean up a bit first and then you can. You only stay here for a few minutes."

  When Eric returned, he was dressed and looking good. He helped me into the bathroom and I started to fix it.

  I've never had anyone in me and that emotion was the hardest for me to deal with. I was just fucked and loved it. And I still felt a movement inside me, even though I knew he was outside.

  I cleaned it as best I could. I thank God for handkerchiefs and handkerchiefs.

  I felt myself slowly getting back to my feet and spending a few more minutes in the bathroom brushing my wig, applying fresh makeup and cleaning my head. The more time passed, the better I felt.

  When I came out of the bathroom, I grabbed Eric's arm and asked him with the biggest eyes I could open: "Are you always so nice to you?"

  He replied: "It's never been so good".

  I wonder who wrote this guy's lines when we left his room.

  We went back to the ball and as we entered, he was arm in arm with him through the front door. It was fantastic.

  It wasn't one of them; you go in first and I go in later so no one knows I was just at the trans girl. We went in together. I expected people to see us together.

  Eric and I did a slow dance together and he said very well to me: "Cassie, you have to talk to your cousin and friends. You have to dance with whoever you brought in. But you and I will see you again Promise. "

  He gives me a sweet kiss on the cheek I brought back, and I just walk away looking for Kelly. Talk about a star being hit

  It was after midnight and Kelly was dancing a storm somewhere in the ocean of humanity. She takes my hand and brings me into the mix.

  She probably never missed me and I would leave it at that. We all went out together, had snacks and drinks and kept dancing with boys and girls.

  Little Parul found me around 1am and hugged me tightly. With her sweet Indian accent, she said, "I'm sorry I brought you the news, Cassie, but Maura had problems tonight and left campus with her boyfriend. She is very upset and very disappointed that she can. " I'm not with you tonight. "

  "I thought so," I replied sadly. "Kelly mentions that something was going on. Please let Maura know I understand. Really. Relationship problems are hard. I hope it works for her. She looks so nice."

  "Maura asked me to give you the key of the dorm and said you could spend the night in her room. She won't be back tonight. '

  'Are you sure? It's a little strange now. "

  "Cassie, don't worry. I'm one of your roommates and I'll be there if you need anything. '

  I walked around and hugged her tightly and said I would see her later.

  I talked to Kelly and told her what was going on. She said she was sorry, but that happens a lot to Maura.

  Kelly then said, "If I don't see you after the dance is over, come to my room at 11am to pack up and go home."

  The famous Holiday Bash ends at 2am and people were already together when I left. I looked around and found Parul standing with some of his friends.

  I went there, chatted with them for a while and asked if I could go back with her because I had no idea where the dorm was. On the way, Parul shared with me all the fun things she did during the night. She was really kind.

  When we got to the dormitory, it was just like Eric with four rooms, but when we got there, only Parul and I were there. "Where are the other two roommates?" I asked.

  "Probably with her friends at night."

  "Parul, don't you have a boyfriend?"

  "Not really. I dated some, but I never connected the college I imagined. '

  "This is Maura's room and she said you can take whatever you want with her tonight or tomorrow."

  "Thank you Parul. I was going to shower, go clean and get entangled for the rest of the night. I hope I don't scare you. " She laughs and says it probably won't happen.

  I took a long hot shower and thought about being with Madison earlier that night, and then Eric held me, kissed me and was inside me. It was a pleasant memory and a fantastic evening. Not having Maura here was a disappointment, but there were many positive things.

  It took me a little longer to try and remove the makeup and clean up my time with Eric. I felt good and refreshed as I got out of the shower.

  I grab Maura's gym shorts, a T-shirt and just a few of her beautiful black panties and put them on before leaving the bathroom.

  As I got out of the shower, Parul was sitting in the living room waiting to go to the bathroom. She wears a beautiful, real mesh dress as a nightgown.

  "Oh, I like how you are, Max," she said with a smile. "You're almost not scared."

  "Thank you Parul, and tonight you look just as beautiful in your nightgown as in your dress. I just wish you were my partner. "

  I decided to sit for a few minutes before going to bed while drying my hair with a towel.

  Parul left in five minutes, came to me, sat down, took my hand and asked, "Do you want company tonight? Are you sometimes lonely here?"

  She was so sure. Not nervous, but to really tell that she wanted to be with me.

  She took my hand and opened the door to her room. The room was lit by about a dozen small candles, which no doubt violated a well-known brand code of the college. She had a lot of soft Indian music and took me to her bed.

  We didn't really have sex. We loved each other until almost dawn. It wasn't hot and fast, it was slow and sensual.

  Parul was strong and still female. Sometimes I was a partner and kissed everyone, and I said all the body parts she offered so freely. I never knew how sweet and delicate a woman's body could taste. Her perfume was so sweet and it tasted so delicious. It was exciting.

  And other times it felt to me like Cassie kissed, penetrated, sucked and bitten lightly.

  She shows me how to use the massage oil and then pushes her fingers deep into me, massaging me and bringing me to a great highlight.

  She massages every part of my body with hers and sensually glides over me with her hair. I touched my arms with her arms, her legs with my legs, her chest with my chest.

  I know I came at least two or three times and I think I was in it once when his whole body slid over me, but somehow I couldn't say it and it didn't Maxer.

  I fell asleep once or twice, but then her touch woke me up when she turned on me with her hands, her mouth or her whole body.

  She taught me where her special place was and taught me how to massage her internally to bring her to multiple orgasms. We pl
ay, talk, kiss and cuddle. We explored more positions than I thought.

  We close our eyes and stroke the breasts, arms, legs and thighs. I gently massage her pussy as she caresses my penis and balls.

  And finally we both fell asleep when the sun came up.

  The alarm went off at 9am and she rolled up next to me. Her scent filled my nostrils and I didn't want to go.

  "We'll have to find your cousin soon, and I think we all need a shower," she whispered. "Why aren't you going to have time to dress up now and then?

  When I showered, I was shocked again and turned my head. Little Parul, who has always been so kind, was the best experience I have ever had. I was physically and emotionally busy now.

  When I left, I went into Maura's room to find out what I could wear to get home. I couldn't wear any of my Cassie clothes because it was still in Kelly's room and everything I owned.

  I looked through your drawers and cupboard. There were about 15 pairs of sweatpants, 10 pairs of sports pants and about 30 T-shirts. There were only 4 skirts, three dresses and only about 5 blouses that were not T-shirts.

  Seriously, I had more clothes than she. I chose a jumpsuit skirt that reached the knee and a blouse that was really cute. In the closet I found a light sweater that would at least fit the outfit.

  I put on my make-up, rubbed my wig and finished my clothes last night.

  When I left, Parul was waiting for his face with that beautiful smile.

  I told her, "I should confuse you a lot if you go from Cassie to Max and come back, especially after last night."

  She replied, 'I think it's great. I was with them last night. '

  "Unlike Madison and Maura, I have secrets."

  As we left the unit, the two roommates came in with a hangover. "Are you Cassie? We've heard a lot from you. Did you have a lot of fun last night? '

  "Yes, it was the time of my life."

  They both hugged me and we left.

  We still had time for breakfast and the cafeteria served a breakfast buffet all day. Parul and I walk in and sit down and share the last few moments on campus. At least 50 people yelled at me as we picked and ate our food. Some even took some photos. No one looked good.